Thursday, July 8, 2010


We have closed the 12th green until further notice. Eliminating all the traffic this green normally deals with which include golfers, mowers and greens rollers will help give the turf a fighting chance. It is unfortunate that the green will be out of play for the men's member guest event, but it is imperative we do everything in our power to prevent the green from getting worse. We continue to use a large blower to circulate air over the green which has enabled us to bring the temperature down 5 degrees. When we do resume mowing it will be at a higher height of cut which will also reduce the stress on the turf.
Since yesterday I have brought in 3 different people who all have a high level of education in agronomy and turf grass growing experience to look at the green and see if they have any suggestions or input which we may not have been thinking about. All 3 agreed with the practices we have been implementing. We also pulled turf samples out of the green and sent them to the University of Guelph who have a very complex disease identification lab. Most turf diseases have visible signs of their growth when they begin to infect turf grass. A couple of diseases have no visible signs and can only be identified in a lab under a microscope by highly trained technicians. If there is any disease activity, I should know by later today and we will be able get any necessary fungicide applied. If the weather forecast is accurate with a break in the heat and humidity, we will aerify this green first thing Friday morning removing some of the organic layer just below the surface. The holes that will remain will be 1/4 inch in size, but relatively close together. At the same time we will introduce bent seed which will help in the recovery.
I have left a turf sample on the counter of the pro shop for everyone to see this layer I have been referring to for so long.

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